Apple QualifierOperatorContains

Companies with a chef

Companies with a computer scientist

Companies with both a chef and a computer scientist

Apple QualifierOperatorContains (In Memory)

Companies with a chef

Companies with a computer scientist

Companies with both a chef and a computer scientist

WOnder ERXExistsQualifier

Companies with a chef

Companies with a computer scientist

Companies with both a chef and a computer scientist

WOnder ERXExistsQualifier (Converted to "IN")

Companies with a chef

Companies with a computer scientist

Companies with both a chef and a computer scientist


Companies with employee salaries between 20k and 40k

Companies with chef salaries between 20k and 40k

Companies with employee salaries between 70k and 120k

All chefs (to-one with EXISTS)

All computer scientists (to-one with IN)

All companies with at least one employee

All companies with no employees